Dome de La Grave

France-EU-China Network

Introduction and history

The purpose of this network is to bring together French and Chinese specialists of health law and bioethics.
  • The network started in 2012 in the framework of the cooperative Cai Yuanpei and Xu Guangqi 2012 programs (sponsored by CAMPUS FRANCE) , between the Law school of Shandong University (Pr Qi Yanping, Pr Hongjie Man) and the University Paul Sabatier / INSERM UMR 1027 (Anne-Marie Duguet, Emmanuelle Rial) , and with the active support of the French Embassy in China. Multidisciplinary Working Groups of scholars has been set up. Each group is composed of teachers and researchers from partner universities and of PhD students. Pr Wu Tao as chinese coordinator of the network has facilitated the mutual understanding within the both teams.
  • In 2014 another Xu Guangqi project enlarged the cooperation between the UMR/INSERM unit 1027 and the School of humanities of Southern Medical University in Guangzhou (Pr Wang Dong, Anne-Marie Duguet ) and two Symposiums held in Guangzhou in April and in Toulouse in July were organized as celebration events of 50th Anniversary of the French-Chinese Diplomatic relationships.
  • In 2015 the 4th Symposium welcomed 2 representatives from Tsinghua University: Pr Weixing Shen Vice Dean of the Law School and Invited Professor of Paul Sabatier University and Pr Feng Shujie Law school of Tsinghua University.
  • In November 2015, through several meetings in China, the Network welcomed new members from Kunming First affiliated Hospital and Kunming Medical University, and from the Law School of Renmin University.
  • Moreover, since 2006 a European Summer school is organized every year in Toulouse and thanks to Pr Wu Chongqi and the China health Law Society, young researchers came from Chinese universities to make presentations to the Young researcher’s FORUM and published their work in the Summer school book (les Etudes Hospitalières: )

    To join a working group, please contact:

    Anne-Marie Duguet:

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