Dome de La Grave

France-EU-China Network

Achievements since 2012

1--Research Projects:cooperative projects sponsored by Campus France and the French Embassy
  • Cai Yuanpei project 2012 in cooperation with Shandong University Law School : a 3 years research project on Genetic analysis and genetic data . Exchanges of researchers and PhD students and 2 co-direction of PhD.
  • Xu Guangqi project 2012 on Genetics in cooperation with Shandong University.
  • Xu Guangqi 2015: cooperation between the INSERM Unit 1027 and the School of humanities and Management of Southern medical University: “Health law and governance of health products and public health facilities. Comparison between China, France and Europe.”
  • Xu Guangqi 2016 : cooperation between the INSERM Unit 1027 and the First affiliated hospital of Kunming University on “Ethics in Hospital and ethics in Biotechnology”
  • Xu Guangqi 2018 : cooperation between the INSERM Unit 1027 and Pekin University Law School
2-Meeting and events
  • French-Chinese Symposia
    • Four has been organized in Toulouse: At Paul Sabatier University: 28 June 2013 / 2 July 2014 / 5 September 2016; At Université Toulouse 1 Capitole / October 4-5th 2017.
    • Two In China
      Southern medical university in Guangzhou November 9th
      Kunming October 18th 2016 “Ethics in Hospital and ethics in Biotechnology”
  • Young researchers’ FORUM
    • Every year, Chinese young researchers contributed to the FORUM during the Summer school and contributed to the annual book published by “Les Etudes Hospitalières”
  • Contribution to other meetings organized by members of the network
    • University of Macau : October 16-17th 2017: Conferences organized by Pr Vera Lucia Raposo
    • Conference “Drugs and medical devices “19 and 20 October 2016
    • Conference "Asian perspectives on Bioethics,Medical Ethics &Medical law October 16-17, 2017
    • IFC Renmin University of China (Suzhou) : Participation of members of the network to conferences organized by Pr Jiayou Shi and Bénédicte Boyer-Bevière : Conference “L’appréhension juridique du corps humain” . May 16th 2016 Conference on Aging and Law on 18 May 2018
    • School of Law of Tsinghua University (Beijing): First Chinese-European Health law Conference 21,22 May 2016 Tsinghua University law school . Organization Pr Weixing Shen and Dr Anne-Marie Duguet
    • Hainan Medical University (China) July 5-10, 2018 : Second "Bioethics,medical ethics and health law international workshop"
3-Co-direction of PhD thesis
    In the Cai Yuanpei project (2012) 2 thesis in co-direction between The Law school of Shandong University, and The Paul Sabatier University has been realized.
      The defense took place in Shandong University.
    • Ms Meng Wen title: “Legal regulation on human gene technology”
    • Mrs Chen Zihan title “Study on genetic information right”

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