Achieved programs
The REMEDHOS France (c) data base
The REMEDHOS France© data base uses three different and very specific softwares for data manipulation. The past twenty years data in medical fault and responsability are handled by REMEDHOS France©. A medical and legal approach makes REMEDHOS France© very unique.
- Bernard Cathala
- Anne-Marie Duguet
- Josette Pradel
- Yves Gazounaud
- Emmanuelle Rial
- Isabelle Filippi
- Sophie Nespoulous
- Virginie Deldossi
Research and Studies
The database is used for:
- research of specific decisions, presented with a medical and law analysis co-made by experts, lawyers and physicians.
- research of partnership for projects either to use the given data or to upgrade the base from new sources.
The partnership convention set the rules and conditions for data base access, professional secret, copyright and ownership of the base.
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RISS (c) : Répertoire Informatisé de Sécurité Sanitaire
Gathers and Analyses texts concerning health professionnals and health establishments.
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ADICAS (c) : Analyse de Dossiers Informatisés de Contentieux des Assurances Sociales
Social insurance contentious informatic files Analysis, in partnership with
the Echelon Régional du Contrôle Médical de l' Assurance Maladie de Midi-Pyrénées.
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