Achieved programs

The REMEDHOS France (c) data base

The REMEDHOS France© data base uses three different and very specific softwares for data manipulation. The past twenty years data in medical fault and responsability are handled by REMEDHOS France©. A medical and legal approach makes REMEDHOS France© very unique.


Research and Studies

The database is used for:

The partnership convention set the rules and conditions for data base access, professional secret, copyright and ownership of the base.

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RISS (c) : Répertoire Informatisé de Sécurité Sanitaire

Gathers and Analyses texts concerning health professionnals and health establishments.

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ADICAS (c) : Analyse de Dossiers Informatisés de Contentieux des Assurances Sociales

Social insurance contentious informatic files Analysis, in partnership with the Echelon Régional du Contrôle Médical de l' Assurance Maladie de Midi-Pyrénées.

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